Shaky Moments: How to Not Get the Shakes When on Kratom

  • Date: January 23, 2024
  • Time to read: 12 min.

Shaky Moments: How to Not Get the Shakes When on Kratom

Kratom, the popular Southeast Asian herb, has gained significant attention for its potential health benefits. From pain relief to mood enhancement, this natural substance has captivated many individuals seeking alternative remedies. However, some users have reported experiencing an unpleasant side effect known as the “shakes.” If you find yourself facing these tremors, fear not! In this article, we will explore the causes behind shaky moments while on Kratom and provide you with practical tips on how to avoid them. Whether you are a seasoned Kratom enthusiast or a curious beginner, get ready to discover the secrets to a more stable and enjoyable Kratom experience.
1. Understanding the Causes and Effects of Shaky Moments: An Essential Guide

1. Understanding the Causes and Effects of Shaky Moments: An Essential Guide

Shaky moments can be unnerving, but understanding their causes and effects is essential for finding peace of mind. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various factors that can contribute to shaky moments and shed light on the potential consequences they may have on our daily lives.


  • Stress and anxiety: High levels of stress and anxiety can manifest physically, leading to shaky moments. These may occur during important presentations, interviews, or even in social gatherings.
  • Medical conditions: Several medical conditions, such as essential tremor, Parkinson’s disease, or hyperthyroidism, can cause involuntary trembling or shakiness. It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Medication or substance use: Certain medications or drug abuse can also result in shaky moments. Understanding the potential side effects of medication and seeking guidance from a healthcare provider is crucial.


  • Impaired performance: Frequent shaky moments can negatively impact our ability to perform daily tasks efficiently. Simple activities like writing, holding objects, or even driving may become challenging.
  • Emotional impact: Shaky moments can have psychological effects, leading to increased self-consciousness, embarrassment, or a decline in self-esteem. These emotional consequences can further exacerbate anxiety symptoms.
  • Social implications: Shaky moments can affect our social interactions, making us hesitant to engage in public speaking or participate in group activities. It is important to address these effects to maintain healthy relationships.

By gaining a deeper understanding of the causes and effects of shaky moments, we can empower ourselves to seek appropriate support and implement strategies that promote stability and well-being in our lives. Stay tuned for the next sections of this guide, where we will discuss practical steps for managing and minimizing shaky moments.

2. The Science Behind Kratom and Its Potential Side Effects on the Body

2. The Science Behind Kratom and Its Potential Side Effects on the Body

Krishona, a plant native to Southeast Asia, has gained popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits. However, understanding the science behind kratom is crucial to grasp its potential side effects on the body.

1. Alkaloids: Kratom contains several alkaloids, with mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine being the most abundant. These alkaloids interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing pain-relieving and mood-enhancing effects. Consequently, many individuals turn to kratom for pain management or as a mood booster.

2. Stimulant Effects: Kratom also exhibits stimulant properties, similar to coffee or tea. Its leaves contain a natural substance called speciociliatine, which stimulates the brain and increases alertness. Some users consume kratom to improve focus and productivity.

3. Potential Side Effects: While kratom has its benefits, it is crucial to be aware of its potential side effects. These may include nausea, constipation, dry mouth, or increased urination. In higher doses, kratom can cause sedation, dizziness, or even respiratory depression. It is important to consume kratom responsibly and in moderation to minimize these risks.

In conclusion, kratom has promising potential in terms of its health benefits. Understanding the key alkaloids present in kratom and their effects on the body can help users make informed decisions. However, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects and use kratom responsibly to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
3. Practical Tips and Strategies to Prevent Shaky Moments During Kratom Consumption

3. Practical Tips and Strategies to Prevent Shaky Moments During Kratom Consumption

When consuming kratom, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience is essential. To prevent any potential shaky moments, here are some practical tips and strategies to keep in mind:

  • Start with low doses: It is recommended to begin with a low dose of kratom, gradually increasing it as needed. This approach allows your body to acclimate to the effects, minimizing any discomfort or shakiness that might occur with higher doses.
  • Stay hydrated: Keeping yourself adequately hydrated is crucial while consuming kratom. Dehydration can contribute to shakiness and other adverse effects. Be sure to drink plenty of water or herbal tea throughout the day to maintain proper hydration levels.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Incorporating a healthy lifestyle can significantly impact your kratom experience. Regular exercise, nutritious diet choices, and enough sleep can help minimize the occurrence of shaky moments. Taking care of your overall well-being is important for a balanced kratom experience.
  • Blend strains thoughtfully: Experimenting with different kratom strains can enhance your experience. However, be cautious when blending strains, as some combinations may cause increased restlessness or shakiness. Start with small amounts and be mindful of how different strains interact with your body.

By keeping these practical tips in mind, you can reduce the likelihood of experiencing shaky moments during kratom consumption. Remember, the key to a positive kratom experience lies in finding the right balance for your body and respecting its natural limits.

4. Finding the Right Dosage: Balancing the Benefits of Kratom without the Unwanted Shakes

4. Finding the Right Dosage: Balancing the Benefits of Kratom without the Unwanted Shakes

When it comes to reaping the benefits of kratom without the unwanted shakes, finding the right dosage is key. With its numerous potential benefits, including pain relief, increased energy, and stress reduction, it’s important to strike a balance that works for you without experiencing any unwanted side effects.

To achieve this balance, it’s essential to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it until you find the sweet spot. This allows you to gauge how your body reacts to kratom and adjust accordingly. Keep in mind that everyone’s tolerance and sensitivity to kratom may vary, so what works for one person may not work for another.

To help you on your journey to finding the right dosage, here are a few tips:

  • Research: Familiarize yourself with recommended dosages and the potential effects of kratom strains. This knowledge will provide a useful starting point.
  • Start low: Begin with a low dose, typically 1 to 2 grams, and carefully observe how your body responds. Note any positive effects as well as any unwanted shakes or other side effects.
  • Gradually increase: If you feel the need to increase the dosage, do so gradually. Add 0.5 to 1 gram at a time and monitor your body’s reaction. This will help you find the dosage that offers maximum benefits without the unwanted shakes.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to the signals your body sends you. If you feel any discomfort or unwanted side effects, decrease the dosage or consider switching to a different strain.

Remember, finding the right dosage is a personal journey that requires patience and experimentation. It’s crucial to respect your body’s individual needs and strive for the optimal balance between the benefits of kratom and any potential side effects. With time and careful adjustments, you can enjoy the benefits of kratom without the unwanted shakes.

5. Exploring Alternative Methods to Reduce Shaky Moments While Taking Kratom

5. Exploring Alternative Methods to Reduce Shaky Moments While Taking Kratom

If you have been experiencing shaky moments while consuming kratom and are seeking ways to alleviate this effect, there are several alternative methods worth considering. While kratom is generally safe, some users may experience temporary tremors or shaky hands, especially when consuming higher doses. Fortunately, there are strategies you can incorporate to minimize these shaky moments and enhance your overall experience.

1. Adjusting Dosage: One of the first steps to reduce shaky moments is to carefully assess your kratom dosage. Sometimes, these tremors occur when you exceed your body’s tolerance for kratom. Consider decreasing your dosage gradually until you find a balance that works for you. Remember, always start with a lower dose and gradually increase it to avoid any adverse effects.

2. Mixing with Tea: Another alternative method is to prepare kratom as a tea instead of consuming the powder directly. To do this, simply boil kratom powder in water for 15-20 minutes, strain the mixture, and drink the resulting tea. This method can help mitigate shaky moments as the alkaloids in kratom are released more slowly when consumed as a tea.

3. Combining with Supplements: Certain supplements may complement your kratom consumption and potentially reduce tremors. Magnesium, for example, is known for its muscle-relaxing properties and can help alleviate shaky moments. You can take magnesium supplements alongside your kratom dose or consume magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, almonds, or pumpkin seeds.

Remember, the experience with kratom can vary from person to person, and it’s essential to explore alternative methods that work best for your individual needs. By adjusting your dosage, trying tea preparation, or incorporating suitable supplements, you can potentially reduce shaky moments and enjoy a smoother kratom experience. However, it’s always advised to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your regimen.

6. The Importance of Staying Hydrated: How Proper Fluid Intake Can Help Avoid Shaking

One of the key factors in maintaining a healthy and balanced body is staying properly hydrated. Dehydration can have several negative effects on our overall well-being, and one of them is muscle shaking or tremors. By ensuring you meet your daily fluid intake requirements, you can significantly reduce the chances of experiencing these unsettling tremors.

When we don’t consume enough fluids, our body’s hydration levels drop, affecting various bodily functions. Muscle shaking is often a result of decreased electrolyte balance, as fluids play a crucial role in facilitating proper nerve signaling. Ensuring you are adequately hydrated helps in maintaining electrolyte balance, which in turn can help prevent muscle tremors.

To ensure you stay hydrated and minimize the chances of shaking, here are a few essential tips:

  • Drink enough water throughout the day: Aim to consume at least 8 glasses (64 ounces) of water daily. Adjust this amount based on your activity level, climate, and individual needs.
  • Include hydrating foods: Incorporate foods with high water content into your diet, such as fruits (watermelon, oranges) and vegetables (cucumbers, celery). These foods not only provide hydration but also offer beneficial vitamins and minerals.
  • Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol: Both caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate the body, leading to an imbalance in electrolytes. Try to limit your consumption and balance it with sufficient water intake.
  • Monitor urine color: A pale yellow urine color generally indicates proper hydration, while dark yellow or amber urine suggests dehydration. Use this as a simple guide to evaluate your hydration levels.

Remember, staying hydrated is crucial not just for preventing shaking but also for overall health and well-being. By making conscious efforts to maintain proper fluid intake, you can ensure your body functions optimally and minimize the risk of experiencing muscle tremors.

7. Unveiling Common Misconceptions: Debunking Myths About Shaky Moments and Kratom Use

When it comes to kratom use, there are often misconceptions surrounding its potential side effects, particularly the occurrence of shaky moments. Let’s debunk some of these myths and shed light on the truth behind the controversy.

Myth 1: Kratom Always Causes Shaky Moments

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone experiences shaky moments when using kratom. Shaky moments, often associated with jitters or tremors, are not a guaranteed side effect of kratom consumption. While some individuals may indeed experience this symptom, it is by no means universal. Factors such as dosage, strain, and individual tolerance play a significant role in determining if and when shaky moments occur.

Myth 2: All Shaky Moments are Due to Kratom

It is crucial to differentiate between shaky moments that are directly caused by kratom and those attributed to other factors. Various lifestyle aspects, such as stress, anxiety, excess caffeine intake, or inadequate hydration, can contribute to tremors or jitters. It is essential to assess these external elements before solely attributing shaky moments to kratom use.

Myth 3: Shaky Moments Indicate Ineffective Kratom

Another common misconception is the assumption that shaky moments imply ineffective or low-quality kratom. This is not necessarily true. Shaky moments can occur even with high-quality kratom and can be a result of individual sensitivity or dosage-related factors. Assessing the overall effects and experience of kratom use, rather than solely focusing on shaky moments, provides a more accurate measure of its effectiveness.

8. Recognizing Individual Sensitivities: Why Some People Experience Shaky Moments with Kratom

People have varying responses to kratom, with some experiencing shaky moments after consuming it. It’s important to recognize that these sensitivities are individual and may be influenced by several factors. Below, we discuss why some individuals may have shaky moments when using kratom.

1. Individual body chemistry: Each person’s biochemistry is unique, and this can impact how they react to kratom. Some individuals may have a higher sensitivity to the alkaloids present in kratom, which can lead to shakiness or tremors.

2. Dosage and tolerance: Kratom affects individuals differently based on their tolerance and the dosage they consume. Higher doses may increase the likelihood of experiencing shaky moments. It’s essential to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it to one’s tolerance level.

3. Strain and potency: Different kratom strains and potencies can have varied effects on individuals. Some strains may be more stimulating and prone to causing shaky moments, while others may have a more calming effect. Experimenting with different strains and potencies can help find the right match for each individual.

4. Interactions with other substances: Kratom may interact differently with other substances, such as medications, caffeine, or alcohol. These interactions can intensify the effects of kratom and potentially lead to shakiness in some individuals. It’s advised to avoid combining kratom with other substances without consulting a healthcare professional.

9. Seeking Professional Guidance: When to Consult a Healthcare Provider for Help with Kratom-induced Shaking

Experiencing shaking or tremors as a result of consuming kratom can be a concerning symptom. While occasional mild shaking is typically not a cause for alarm, it is essential to recognize when it may be necessary to seek professional guidance from a healthcare provider. Here are some instances where consulting a medical expert would be advisable:

  • If the shaking becomes severe, persistent, or worsens over time, it is crucial to reach out to a healthcare professional. They can assess the severity of your symptoms and provide appropriate guidance on how to manage them effectively.
  • Should you encounter any additional concerning symptoms alongside the shaking, such as dizziness, difficulty breathing, or chest pain, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention as these might be indicative of a more severe underlying issue.
  • If you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications that may interact with kratom, it is highly recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before consuming it. They can guide you on potential contraindications and help determine if kratom is safe for you.

Remember, your healthcare provider is the best resource for assessing your individual situation. They possess the knowledge and expertise needed to give you the most accurate advice tailored to your health status. Communicate openly with them about your kratom use and any associated symptoms to ensure the best possible care.


In conclusion, experiencing shaky moments while using Kratom can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to derail your overall well-being. By following a few simple strategies, you can mitigate or even eliminate the shakes associated with Kratom consumption.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to ensure you’re consuming the right dosage. Start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it until you find the sweet spot that works best for you. This will help minimize the likelihood of experiencing any unwanted side effects, including shakes.

Additionally, keeping yourself properly hydrated throughout this process is essential. Kratom has a tendency to cause dehydration, which can exacerbate the shakes. Make sure to drink plenty of water or hydrating fluids to maintain a healthy balance.

Another effective step to prevent the shakes is to opt for strains with lower mitragynine levels. Since this compound is responsible for stimulating the shaky moments, choosing strains that are higher in 7-hydroxymitragynine or other alkaloids can reduce these symptoms.

Finally, it’s important to remember that everyone’s body reacts differently to Kratom. If you’re still experiencing persistent shakes despite following these strategies, it might be worth considering alternative solutions or seeking guidance from a healthcare professional who specializes in Kratom.

Remember, shaky moments are not uncommon while using Kratom, but they don’t have to disrupt your well-being. By staying mindful of your dosage, hydrating adequately, and experimenting with different strains, you can tackle this challenge head-on and enjoy the many benefits that Kratom has to offer. Stay informed, be knowledgeable, and take charge of your Kratom experience to enhance your overall satisfaction and well-being.

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